I cannot even being to wrap my head around the number of messed up reasons for half of their operations. For every maybe three or four redeeming ideas they have only maybe one is executed in a way that doesn’t make them seem like little kids throwing a temper tantrum. They didn’t like the Church of Scientology; fine by me they protested. After that they attacked an Epilepsy Foundation forum posting videos embedded into their messages that would induce seizures. Are you kidding me, how low in moral fiber in human decency can you be to do something like that? They target the No Cussing club while other members try and to help political hotbed Iran in the midst of political upheaval. This is a bipolar and fractured group.
There is also the well known debacle in Australia as well as the Arab Spring activities. More recently they are supporting the Occupy Wall Street movement as well as well as an operation called DarkNet. DarkNet is when they hacked and shut down 40 child pornography websites and posted information of over 150,000 users, all the more impressive because most users were using a Tor system to get to the websites.
I really do not know how to feel about Anonymous. I want to like them and support them I really do. I mean come on who doesn’t want to do as they wish especially when they have the ability to help affect change be it in a hostile manner or not. Sadly for every DarkNet there are five Epilepsy Foundation type stories. Some of them at least have some ideas and some of the right ones in my opinion they just have to find a better way of enacting change. We get it the world is a messed up place and you want to point out everything that is wrong with it. You can’t just show that hey we don’t like this and take it away you have to make people see the reason, we all have free will and yours as Anonymous is no more important than the technologically inept.
Pick a side, pick a stance, pick a leader, pick a hierarchy for your organization and a coherent agenda because this mix and match schizophrenic shit has to go. You want people to take you seriously but we can’t because we can’t understand what you stand for. You stand for everything and nothing at the same time. You stand for upheaval and anarchy and there is already enough of that in the world. Please for the love of all that is holy stand for something halfway decent and see it through for once, and I mean all the way through not just to the point of humiliation I mean to the bitter end. You have the ability to do some of the most impressive stuff I have ever seen. You pick a day; say what you are going to do and do it, which takes some moxie. Unfortunately you just keep doing dumb things. You remind me of one of my friends whom most of the time I wonder why I am friends with them and then they have a DarkNet moment where they do something really cool and I realize I am friends with them because they have the potential to be a great human being. Stop being that friend Anonymous, I want so much for you to be more than you are. You have the ability to try and shape and influence the direction of many things if you would just organize and pick a stance. Stop doing what you wish and start doing what you should do. With great power comes great responsibility no great whimsicality.
It is really frustrating to see a group that has such talent and ability with the internet to waste it in such stupid ways. I wish as I have already mentioned that they would stop being so bi-polar and figure out the right way to do things. Hopefully some day they will.
Here is their legion website and here is their blog
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